On the left sidebar menu is an entry for Posts. This is where Press Releases, News, Letters to the Editor (Op-Eds), and Resolutions are entered. You can also see and change previous entries. Generally speaking, you should probably compose and edit your posts offline.
When you click on “Posts” you will see a list of all previous posts, latest first. If you hover your mouse over the title, you will see a sub-menu for that post. You can change a few of the meta characteristics on the “Quick-Edit” sub-menu such as Date, Author, and Category.
If you click “Edit”, you’ll be able to change the content of the post.
At the top of “Posts” is a button for “Add New”. Click it to start a new post. You should now see a blank screen. Keep your title short, 4-8 words. Off to the right is a button for “Publish”. When you are editing a published post, the button will read “Update”.
You have typical editing tools at the top of the screen, and you can work directly with the source by selecting “Tools”. Inserting graphics is done with the “Add Media” button.
Authors should be entered as WordPress Users, which must be done by the Database Manager. They should have a short bio.