On the left sidebar menu is an entry for Events. This is where Meetups, Business (Board) Meetings, and Volunteer Activities (road cleanup, etc) are entered. You can also see and change previous entries. Generally speaking, you should probably compose and edit your Events offline.
When you click on “Events” you will see a list of all previous Events, oldest first. If you hover your mouse over the title, you will see a sub-menu for that Event. You can change a few of the meta characteristics on the “Quick-Edit” sub-menu such as Date, Author, and Category.
There are several filters at the top of the Events page including Venues. Selecting a Venue and clicking Filter at the right will list only the events at that Venue. This is useful for seeing what you’ve entered and what you haven’t. At the right is a search box which allows searches for titles and content.
You can reuse events that are in the past. Please do this for recurring affiliate meetings. Find one that is in the past, edit it, and change the date. You may also have automatic recurring events by selecting the frequency (weekly, monthly). If you have the same event twice a month (2nd and 4th Thursday, for example), you will have to create 2 events, one that repeats on the 2nd Thursday and one that repeats on the 4th Thursday.
If you click “Edit”, you’ll be able to change the content of the Event including the date, time, and venue.
At the top of “Events” is a button for “Add New”. Click it to start a new Event. You should now see a blank screen. Keep your title short, 4-8 words. Off to the right is a button for “Publish”. When you are editing a published event, the button will read “Update”.
You have typical editing tools at the top of the screen, and you can work directly with the source by selecting “Tools”. Inserting graphics is done with the “Add Media” button.
The event dates and times are towards the bottom, as is the Venue. There are venues for Virtual Events and Event Cancelled.
Venue names should include the business name followed by the city, like “City Grille Denver”. If there is more than one of these in your city, put the street name or neighborhood between the name and city. “City Grille Capitol Hill Denver”. Venues can be searched by any of the words in the venue name. To add a Venue, click the plus sign on the right of the venue field, then fill in the name, address, city, state, and zip. Cross streets are not acceptable, so you’ll have to figure out what block it’s in.
Keywords and Tags
Keywords. Instead of Keywords, we are now using Tags. There are tags for both County and Region. Please put both on your Event in the Tag field on the lower Right Sidebar. Regions can be found here: https://lpcolorado.org/affiliates/.
You can track attendance at your events and county meetings as follows. This procedure will add an activity to all meeting attendees, so you’ll be able to see who was present.
Assuming you are one of the attendees at the event, pull up your contact record and then
1. Open the Activity tab and add new activity.
2. put yourself in With Contact.
3. leave Assigned To blank.
4. Put the name of the meeting in the subject – e.g. Denver County Meetup Sep 20. (Be consistent on how you enter the date)
5. Activity Type = Meeting.
6. Save Activity.
7. Edit Activity.
8. Add other attendees to With Contact.
9. make any notes you feel necessary.
10. Set the date and the status to Completed.