2023 Call To State Convention
In accordance with the Bylaws of the Libertarian of Colorado, (https://lpedia.org/wiki/Document:Colorado_State_Party_Bylaws_2021) Article IX, Section 1, “Annual Conventions,” the LPCO
In accordance with the Bylaws of the Libertarian of Colorado, (https://lpedia.org/wiki/Document:Colorado_State_Party_Bylaws_2021) Article IX, Section 1, “Annual Conventions,” the LPCO
https://lpedia.org/wiki/Document:Colorado_State_Party_Bylaws_2021_(Revised_with_Style_Changes)#Article_XIII:_Amendments(a) During odd-numbered years, these Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Delegates to the Convention,
For Immediate Release: 11/20/2022 Contact: Jordan Marinovich communicationsdirector@lpcolorado.orgWebsite: www.LPColorado.org ARON LAM ELECTED AS LIBERTARIAN MAYOR OF KEENESBURG, CO Keenesburg, CO
Statewide Constitutional AmendmentsAmendment D New 23rd Judicial District Judges – YesAmendment E Extend Homestead Exemption to Gold Star Spouses –
The LPCO is now seeking volunteers to serve on the Bylaws and Platform Committees. Bylaws Committee Application: https://form.jotform.com/222277255154152 Platform Committee Application:
The Membership and Outreach State Board volunteer positions are now vacant. You may apply for these positions here:Outreach: https://form.jotform.com/222236640781151 Membership: https://form.jotform.com/222277543692159
For Immediate Release: 5/31/2022 Contact: Wayne Harlos StateChair@LPColorado.orgWebsite: www.LPColorado.orgPhone: (303)837-9393 COLORADO LIBERTARIANS ELECTED TO NATIONAL COMMITTEES AT LIBERTARIAN CONVENTION SPARKS,
Read the article at https://www.westword.com/news/libertarian-party-colorado-harlos-mcardle-mises-caucus-14446059.
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