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  4. Affiliate Web Page Guidelines

Affiliate Web Page Guidelines

  1. County and Region Affiliates may have up to 5 web pages.
  2. Each page shall be created by the Database Manager. You need admin or state-leader privileges to create pages.
  3. The main page for an affiliate will have the form of xxx-county or xxx-region where xxx is the name of the county or region. Spaces in the name should be removed.
  4. Sub-pages must have the county or region as the first part of the url, like xxx-bylaws where xxx is the name of the county or region.
  5. County leaders have the authority to add content to the pages.
  6. Media (pictures, pdf’s, etc) should have the county or region as the first part of the url.
  7. The county entry url on the state map needs to be changed to the main page for the county by the Database Manager.
  8. The affiliate record needs to be updated with the main page for the county.
  9. There is no charge for this service.
  10.  Additional content may be archived at LPedia.org on your affiliate page.
  11.  Contact the Database Manager if you have questions.
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