- County and Region Affiliates may have up to 5 web pages.
- Each page shall be created by the Database Manager. You need admin or state-leader privileges to create pages.
- The main page for an affiliate will have the form of xxx-county or xxx-region where xxx is the name of the county or region. Spaces in the name should be removed.
- Sub-pages must have the county or region as the first part of the url, like xxx-bylaws where xxx is the name of the county or region.
- County leaders have the authority to add content to the pages.
- Media (pictures, pdf’s, etc) should have the county or region as the first part of the url.
- The county entry url on the state map needs to be changed to the main page for the county by the Database Manager.
- The affiliate record needs to be updated with the main page for the county.
- There is no charge for this service.
- Additional content may be archived at LPedia.org on your affiliate page.
- Contact the Database Manager if you have questions.

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The Libertarian Party is committed to America’s heritage of freedom: individual liberty and personal responsibility, a free-market economy of abundance and prosperity, a foreign policy of non-intervention, peace and free trade.