LP Colorado Annual Membership

CO Annual Sustaining Membership

Article IV: Members
Section 1. Basic Membership
(a) Basic Membership (“Party Membership”) in the Party is exclusively limited to all Colorado registered and pre-registered electors whose party affiliation is Libertarian.
(b) Basic Members (“Party Members”) have the right to attend meetings and are eligible to serve on state-level committees, subject to any further express limitations in these Bylaws.
Section 2. Sustaining Membership
(a) Sustaining Members are Party Members who pay, or have paid on their behalf, yearly dues of $25.00 or Party Members who are Life Members of the national Libertarian Party.
(b) Dues must be paid in a single payment at least once every 365 days and expire on the anniversary date of the last payment of at least that amount. Smaller donations are not counted as payment towards a cumulative dues payment.
(c) Loss of Party Membership status automatically results in loss of Sustaining Membership regardless of dues payment and no refund of dues will be owed. Lapse of Sustaining Membership from non-payment of dues by the anniversary date results in loss of rights, privileges, and eligibilities available only to Sustaining Members.
(d) Only Sustaining Members are eligible to receive the Party nomination for partisan public office, vote as a delegate at any state conventions, be elected as a delegate to national Party Conventions, or be elected as the state appointee to any national Party committee, subject to any further express limitations in these Bylaws.

Total Amount
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Please let us know why you are supporting Libertarians or provide feedback for our team
Employment Information

State law requires political committees to report the name, address, occupation, and employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $100 in a calendar year. If you are currently not working, you may enter “Retired” or “Not Employed”. Political contributions are not tax deductible.


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