Call for 2021 Award Nominees

CALL FOR 2021 LPCO Award Nominees

Rewarding and recognizing fellow activists for their hard work an important way to say thank you. The Libertarian Party of
Colorado is looking for 2021 nominees for the following awards, to be given at the Annual State Convention. There is no
limit to the number of nominees for any of these awards. You may also nominate yourself.
If you wish to nominate someone for one of these awards, Please list the award and the Nominee’s full name with a brief
paragraph stating why you believe this person should be given this award. Send the nominations to Michele Poague at Nominations will be open until April, 15, 2021.

Thomas Paine Award
Libertarian who cause libertarian essays, letters, and or articles to be published.
The Minute Man
Libertarians activists who attend outreach events, attend forums, lobby at the capitol, or serve on local boards.
The Ptak Award – Activist of the Year
The most accomplished Libertarian activist in 2019.
Lexington Award – Lifetime Achievement
A local Libertarian with more than fifteen years of steady activism. Member since 2005 or longer.
Friend of Liberty to Liberty
Activists whom are not registered Libertarians, but do great things in the name of liberty.

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