Dear Libertarians:

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for being a registered Libertarian and for supporting the fight to bring liberty to America.

In these uncertain times due to COVID-19, I wanted to reach out to you with our plans to get candidates on the ballot in light of the cancellation of our previously scheduled annual convention due to mandatory restrictions on public gatherings.  On April 13, 2020, we will be counting the results of the e-balloting by which our special convention was conducted that will allow us to nominate candidates for election to public office as well as  elect delegates to represent us at the national convention that will take place later this year.  These elections will be conducted via an e-ballot that will be sent out to properly credentialed delegates.

Convention Delegates

Credentialing closed on April 3, 2020. No additional requests will be approved.

In order to qualify as a credentialed delegate for this special convention you must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Be a currently registered Libertarian in Colorado and have been a registered Libertarian in Colorado on or before January 27, 2019.
  2. Fill out the credentials request form located here: by no later than April 3rd, 2020 11:59pm Mountain Time

Procedures for voting are being developed and depend on the candidate filings below. As soon as the candidates and voters have been credentialed, verified voters will receive the link to an electronic ballot and the instructions and deadline for completing it.

Our annual convention where we will elect board members and consider bylaws and constitution recommendations, as well as elect our representatives to the electoral college, will be done at a later date to be determined.

National Convention Delegates

Additionally, if you wish to be considered for a national delegate or alternate spot you must also have previously filled out the delegate application (located here: or have done so by March 31, 2020 11:59pm Mountain Time.

Candidates for Public Office

If you would like to run for office, or know a party member who does, said person must apply by March 31, 2020 at 11:59pm Mountain Time by filling out the information on the link below and also registering on TRACER on the secretary of state website, also linked herein.

The candidate affidavit form, which must be notarized, must also be filed in TRACER.

The districts you may be eligible to run for can be found on the County and District Information Tab accessed through this form:

Please note that in order to run for office you must be a registered Libertarian in the state of Colorado for at least 150 days prior to April 13, 2020 (11/15/2019) and be willing to sign a statement to the effect that you agree with the Statement of Principles of the national Libertarian Party and a statement disavowing the initiation of force to achieve political or social goals.

Once you’ve filled out the information on both websites, I would ask you to send a short bio to to be included in the e-ballot that will be sent to the credentialed delegates for voting. If you agree with the Statement of Principles and the non-initiation of force, please include the following statement in your biography: “I support the Statement of Principles of the Libertarian Party and disavow the initiation of force as a means to achieve political or social goals.”

Thank you,

/s/ Victoria Reynolds, Chairman

Libertarian Party of Colorado

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