Colorado Libertarians Reach Out to Muslims and Conservatives over Holiday Weekend
The Libertarian Party of Colorado (LPCO) invited Muslim liberty activist and former Libertarian Party Vice Presidential candidate Will Coley to accompany Party members to visit local mosques over this holiday weekend in order to talk to the Colorado Muslim community about libertarianism and freedom for people of all faiths. During this same time, the LPCO will be hosting a booth at the Western Conservative Summit in order to teach voters that there is an alternative to the two wildly unpopular candidates offered by the old parties. LPCO Chair Jay North issued the following statement:
The Libertarian Party supports the freedom of expression, whether that expression is religious, political, or cultural, the person expressing their views has that right without any threat from the State. The Western Conservative Summit is a group of conservatives expressing their views. Muslims are currently participating in Ramadan, which is another form of expression. The alignment of the Western Conservative Summit and the end of Ramadan is unique this year and the Libertarian Party of Colorado will be supporting the free expression of both groups during the same weekend.
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If you would like more information about this topic, please contact Caryn Ann Harlos at 561.523.2250 or email at